Sunday, January 25, 2015

Observing Communication with Children (EDUC 6358)

I chose to observe communication amongst my TA and the students in our class during small group.  I had recently presented the concept of adding with 10 frames to the class, and she was leading this learning center.  I noticed that she was quick to correct the children, if they did not do it right the first time instead of giving them the opportunity to check their own work.  The students did not engage to much with one another, but rather only with her.  Some of the children did not communicate at all, and just completed the problem when it was their turn. 

I did notice that my TA used appropriate language and vocabulary, and provided the students with positive feedback if they did something correct.  For example, she told one student that he did a great job at reading the math problem loud and proud in his big voice so everyone can hear him.

What I took from this is that every child was not encourage to participate in communication.  It was a game in our math learning center, so each child did participate just not through the use of language. I reflected on how I interact with small groups, and notice that sometimes, I too even over talk the children instead of allowing the to actively engage in the conversation. 

Being the teacher and having an assistant, I now realize that it is jus as important that model effective communication for her as I do for the students in our classroom.  In order to model effective language/teacher talk, one must first be aware on how they are doing with their teacher talk.  Communication is a give and take.  Someone is always giving or taking in information that was presented to them.  I am now more aware, that the language I use effects not only my students but my TA as well.  I will try to become better at modeling appropriate language, providing direct feedback, and using open-ended questions to promote the children's thinking.

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